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To provide sports and recreational programs to help support the physical, social and emotional well-being of persons of any age or disability.

FishAbility Sports Club was founded in 2008. We believe that with a helping hand and a few adaptions anything is possible. The club focuses on the Abilities of our members.

FishAbility Sports Club is operated as a Not-For-Profit Organization and is a Canadian Registered Charity. Charitable Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $25. The club Currently runs 3 programs.

The Adapted Fishing Program runs from the end of May to September, taking children, youth & adults who are Differently Able fishing on Rice Lake. We practice Live Release of all fish caught during our fishing adventures. The Adapted Fishing Program departs from Bewdley's Waterfront Park, returning for a shore lunch and social time.

The Northumberland Predators Intermediate C Open (No Body Checking) runs from September to mid-April. The Intermediate C Open (No Body checking) team is For players with no experience, returning players after an absence from the sport or want to play hockey but are unable to take a contact game (Example: due to medical reasons, or lack of medical clearances for the full contact team), and is based at the Bewdley Community Center on Saturdays.

The Northumberland Predators Intermediate C Contact Team runs from September to mid-April. The program is for players from 15 years of age and up that are able to take body checks and medially cleared to take body checks.  and is based at the Bewdley Community Center on Saturdays.

Through fun, friendship, respect & teamwork we are providing programs that are community-based & embraces the social aspect that both sports and the great outdoors have to offer. 

All of our programs are making the Impossible.... Possible for our Members One Smile at a Time.

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Breaking News

  • 6th Annual Golf Tournament:

We are exited to host our 6th Annual Golf Tournament to help raise funds for our club! July 7th 2024 is the big day once again held at Baxter Creek.



Due to changes to our insurance coverage some of our policies have had to change. 
Our maximum heat temperature is now 28 degrees. If the heat is more then 28 degrees the trips will be cancelled for safety concerns of our guests and staff.

With the new concerns of air quality due to the many fires happening that are causing many breathing problems, Under the direction of Health Canada and our insurance company our programs will be postponed if a air quality advisory is in affect.

Donate Now

One of the fastest & easiest ways to donate to FishAbility Sports Club is to donate through Canada Helps. We are a Canadian Registered Charity through the Canada Revenue Agency. We are able to issue tax receipts for donations over $25

Copyright © 2021 FishAbility Sports Club Inc.All Rights Reserved.

Charitable Number: 85096 0972 RR0001

Call or E-mail Us

Office: +1 (705) 632-0900

E-Mail: fishabilitysports@hotmail.com

Office Address:

216 IXL Road Campbellford

Ontario K0L 1L0

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